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943 Results

Location: Santa Cruz x
2021.02.03 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 487
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.02.03
Excerpt: ...n (FAC ¶25). Unlike the case or controversy limitation on federal court jurisdiction, which requires that the plaintiff have a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy, state court jurisdiction has no such limitation. Singleton v Wulff (1976) 428 U.S. 106, 113‐116. Instead, a plaintiff challenging a legislative or executive action in a California court must only show that “he or she is sufficiently interested”. Weatherford v City o...
2021.02.02 Demurrer, Petition for Writ of Mandate 898
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.02.02
Excerpt: ...the “litigation exception” set forth in 18 USCS § 2721 (b)(4) (“the Act”), does not entitle Petitioner to the information he seeks. (Petition p. 4:6, Motion p.5:17) The US Supreme Court has directed that the exception is to be construed narrowly: the “exception to a “general statement of policy” is “usually read . . . narrowly in order to preserve the primary operation of the provision”. (Maracich v. Spears (2013) 570 U.S. 48, ...
2021.01.26 Demurrer 739
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.26
Excerpt: ...ons Petitioners assert that this action is not barred by the claims splitting doctrine and res judicata, because the Dependency Count did not adjudicate the issue of whether Director Timberlake's decision was arbitrary, capricious and lacking in evidentiary support. However, both actions involve the same ultimate issue: the validity of the Department's final decision; both actions involve the same primary right: the Petitioner's custodial relatio...
2021.01.22 Petition for Writ of Mandate 095
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.22
Excerpt: ...ble to give a knowing and intelligent consent due to a concussion suffered in the accident which preceded his arrest. The hearing officer's rejection of this contention is supported by the evidence— specifically the arrest report and supplemental report, which indicate that Petitioner was responsive, answered Officer Vasquez' questions, and gave oral consent to a blood test. Petitioner presented no medical evidence to support his contention tha...
2021.01.22 Motion to Compel Further Deposition Testimony, for Sanctions 317
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.22
Excerpt: relevant if it might reasonably assist a party in evaluating the case, preparing for trial, or facilitating settlement. Admissibility is not the test and information unless privileged, is discoverable if it might reasonably lead to admissible evidence. These rules are applied liberally in favor of discovery and (contrary to popular belief), fishing expeditions are permissible in some cases. (Stewart v. Colonial Western Agency, Inc. (2001) 87 C...
2021.01.21 Motion to Stay Action 388
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.21
Excerpt: ...fendants on their claim that Plaintiff is in breach of the MIPA, these obligations will remain unaffected. The court therefore finds that the issues involved in Plaintiffs' 6th c/a for declaratory relief with regard to the Exchange Interests and Rights for the Pledged Securities are severable from the issues involved in the arbitration. Pursuant to CCP Section 1281.4 the court exercises its discretion to limit the stay and permit Plaintiff to con...
2021.01.21 Demurrer to Petition for Writ of Mandate 897
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Volkmann, Timothy Dept 5
Hearing Date: 2021.01.21
Excerpt: ...rden of showing there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy. According to the Declaration of Dylan Fukai, on 10/21/20, the County informed Petitioner that his writ of execution would be enforced as soon as a court clerk transferred his existing writ onto the updated EJ‐130 form. Moreover, the County filled the new form out for him and instructed him how to obtain a new writ. (Declaration of Dylan Fukai, ¶ 3, Exhibit A.) Petitioner's ar...
2021.01.15 Demurrer 565
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.15
Excerpt: ...r the position that this allegation is required for a common counts claim based on a quantum meruit theory. However, E.J. Franks Construction, Inc. v Sahota is an appeal from a judgment, not a demurrer, and involves issues of proof not pleading. Plaintiff does not cite any authority for the position that a common counts claim is inadequately pled unless it includes this specific allegation. Plaintiff/Cross‐defendant demurs on the further basis ...
2021.01.14 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 688
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.14
Excerpt: ...suffer emotional distress, knowing that plaintiff was present when the conduct occurred; (3) that plaintiff suffered severe emotional distress; and (4) that defendant's conduct was a substantial factor in causing plaintiff's severe emotional distress. (CACI 1600.) A defendant's conduct is “outrageous” when it is so extreme as to exceed all bounds of that usually tolerated in a civilized community. Liability for intentional infliction of emoti...
2021.01.08 Motion for Summary Judgment 645
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.08
Excerpt: ... element is separately pleaded. (2) A defendant establishes an affirmative defense to that cause of action. (p) For purposes of motions for summary judgment: (2) A defendant has met his or her burden of showing that a cause of action has no merit if the party has shown that one or more elements of the cause of action, even if not separately pleaded, cannot be established, or that there is a complete defense to the cause of action. Once the defend...
2021.01.07 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 084
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.07
Excerpt: ...reement, and not as a trustee or in furtherance of its mission under its Articles of Incorporation. CFSC may therefore sue Encompass on the Services Agreement for breach of its fiduciary duty (1st c/a) and for breach of the Services Agreement (2d c/a) under an agency theory. The court is not persuaded by Encompass' assertion that a trustee cannot sue a beneficiary even if the subject of the lawsuit is unrelated to the trust. Encompass' reliance o...
2021.01.07 Demurrer 253
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.07
Excerpt: four years. Defendant's failure to make distributions and to provide the profit and loss statement followed by his denial of the contract (i.e. repudiation) in the 7/14/15 letter constituted a total breach of the agreement. “Under the discovery rule, the statute of limitations begins to run when the plaintiff suspects or should suspect that her injury was caused by wrongdoing, that someone has done something wrong to her. A plaintiff need no...
2021.01.05 Demurrer 226
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.05
Excerpt: ...he same grounds instead of moving to strike the new and improper allegations/argument, the County has essentially invited the court to reconsider the prior ruling. To the extent that the court is now required to engage in such reconsideration, without adherence to the jurisdictional requirements set forth in CCP §1008, the court will exercise its inherent authority to do so pursuant to Le Francois v Goel (2005) 35 Cal 4th 1094. On reconsideratio...
2021.01.04 Demurrer 157
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.01.04
Excerpt: ...d cause of action for wrongful foreclosure which is barred by Res Judicata. (see further discussion below) LAW AND MOTION TENTATIVE RULINGS DATE: JANUARY 4, 2021 TIME: 8:30 A.M. 2 The demurrer to the First cause of action for breach of contract is sustained without leave to amend for Plaintiff's failure to allege a contract and her performance. (First Commercial Mortgage Co. v. Reece (2001) 89 Cal.App.4th 731, 745; Goodman v. Kennedy (1976) 18 Ca...
2020.12.21 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 695
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Connolly, Rebecca Dept 4
Hearing Date: 2020.12.21
Excerpt: ... and attorneys have a duty of loyalty to their clients. Thus, while an attorney must represent his or her clients zealously within the bounds of the law a broker only needs to use reasonable care to represent his or her client. (Kotlar v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co. (2000) 83 Cal.App.4th 1116, 1123.) Plaintiff has failed to plead that Defendant failed to obtain insurance at the best possible price; ( Westrec Marina Mgmt v Jardine Ins. Brokers (2000) 8...
2020.12.18 Motion to Compel Arbitration 471
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2020.12.18
Excerpt: ...rbitrate between the parties (The trial court is to decide two “gateway issues” of arbitrability: (1) whether there is an agreement to arbitrate between the parties, and (2) whether the agreement covered the dispute at issue. (Omar v. Ralphs Grocery Co. (2004) 118 Cal.App.4th 955, 960.), the Court finds that Defendants have met their burden of proving the existence of a valid arbitration agreement by a preponderance of the evidence. The Decla...
2020.12.17 Motion to Compel Further Responses 848
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2020.12.17
Excerpt: ... no right to discovery in this Superior Court action and the Request was premature as the Court had not ruled on the Responding Party's Petition to Compel Arbitration. MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES FROM RAMOS The motion to compel further responses to Special Interrogatories Set One is granted. Mr. Ramos is ordered to serve verified responses to Connellys' Special Interrogatories Set One within 30 days of service of...
2020.12.14 Motion to Compel Return of Docs, to Seal Docs 337
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Connolly, Rebecca Dept 4
Hearing Date: 2020.12.14
Excerpt: ...not disputed that Plaintiff delivered all of the originals of the documents at issue (Exhibits 3‐13 to the Amended Complaint) to Mr. Paetkau in August 2017; nor have they provided applicable authority for their assertion that Plaintiff is not entitled to use copies of these documents in this litigation, or that the documents should be sealed. In support of their claim that Plaintiff's “self‐help evidence gathering” is inappropriate, and t...
2020.12.10 Motion for Attorney's Fees 848
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2020.12.10
Excerpt: ...ling on the contract within the meaning of Section 1717 of the Civil Code.” (Notice of motion p.2:2) However, the motion to compel arbitration in case No. 18CV00897 was denied without prejudice; the Court's order says,“ A request for an order compelling arbitration has also been brought by the identical party in the earlier filed action [Case No. 18CV00848] and that action is more complex because of issues related to additional parties who ma...
2020.12.08 Demurrer 907
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Connolly, Rebecca Dept 4
Hearing Date: 2020.12.08
Excerpt: ...nded complaint alleges facts that are sufficiently similar to those alleged in the original complaint, the critical inquiry is whether the defendant had adequate notice of the claim based on the original pleading. The policy behind statutes of limitations is to put defendants on notice of the need to defend against a claim in time to prepare a fair defense on the merits. This policy is satisfied when recovery under an amended complaint is sought ...
2020.12.08 Demurrer 491
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Volkmann, Timothy Dept 5
Hearing Date: 2020.12.08
Excerpt: ...avor of Ralph Partners on July 9, 2018 (RFJN Ex. 11). Plaintiffs' claim against Ralph Partners, as well as against Defendant Geiser who is alleged to be the alter‐ego of Ralph Partners, is therefore barred by judicial estoppel/res judicata. In addition, the FAC fails to allege any facts to support the claim of fraud, and therefore fails to state a cause of action against Defendants, and is uncertain. Defendants' RFJN is granted in its entirety ...
2020.12.02 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 041
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Connolly, Rebecca Dept 4
Hearing Date: 2020.12.02
Excerpt: ...egularities in the sale notice or procedure, the borrower must offer to pay the full amount of the debt for which the property was security. The borrower must pay, or offer to pay, the secured debt, or at least all of the delinquencies and costs due for redemption, before commencing the action. “The rationale behind the rule is that if [the borrower] could not have redeemed the property had the sale procedures been proper, any irregularities in...
2020.12.02 Demurrer 342 (2)
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Volkmann, Timothy Dept 5
Hearing Date: 2020.12.02
Excerpt: ...s to Defendant Larsh's co‐defendants, NFMG, Susan White and Anthony Tirri, and has expressly alleged that NFMG and Susan White, dba Susan White Chiropractic, Inc., were her joint employers; and that her employment contract, “which she understood to be between and her employer‐NFMG” was signed by Susan White, President of NFMG, “on behalf of NFMG”. However, Plaintiff has not alleged any facts giving rise to an employment relationship w...
2020.12.01 Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement 412
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2020.12.01
Excerpt: ...he trial court's broad discretion.” (Wershba v. Apple Computer, Inc. (2001) 91 Cal.App.4th 224, 234‐235, citing Dunk v. Ford Motor Co. (1996) 48 Cal.App.4th 1794.) In determining whether a class settlement is fair, adequate and reasonable, the trial court should consider relevant factors, such as “the strength of plaintiffs' case, the risk, expense, complexity and likely duration of further litigation, the risk of maintaining class action s...
2020.11.30 Demurrer 491
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2020.11.30
Excerpt: ...avor of Ralph Partners on July 9, 2018 (RFJN Ex. 11). Plaintiffs' claim against Ralph Partners, as well as against Defendant Geiser who is alleged to be the alter‐ego of Ralph Partners, is therefore barred by judicial estoppel/res judicata. In addition, the FAC fails to allege any facts to support the claim of fraud, and therefore fails to state a cause of action against Defendants, and is uncertain. Defendants' RFJN is granted in its entirety ...

943 Results

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