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943 Results

Location: Santa Cruz x
2021.04.06 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 208
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.04.06
Excerpt: ...ecause auditors are statutorily and strictly liable under §11 for any misstatements in the financial statements which they audited and certified, unless they can demonstrate due diligence at the summary judgment stage. Under post‐Omnicare authority PWC is not strictly liable for the misstatements in Granite's financial statements.. In Johnson v. CBD Energy, Ltd., 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 87174, the court expressly rejected the same “strict liab...
2021.04.06 Demurrer 208
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.04.06
Excerpt: ...t to four large joint venture projects. The Court previously sustained the demurrer to the original complaint and granted Plaintiff leave to amend to allege facts demonstrating that circumstances known to Defendants at the time they made the representation of “reasonably possible additional costs” made this a misrepresentation of an of existing fact at the time it was made; to allege what LAW AND MOTION TENTATIVE RULINGS DATE: APRIL 6, 2021 T...
2021.04.01 Motion for Preliminary Injunction 372
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.04.01
Excerpt: Theater, (1981) 118 Cal. App. 3d 863, 870.) It appears that were the Court to grant either Party's request for an injunction/ modified injunction, that both parties would suffer great injury. In order to preserve the status quo until there has been a final determination of the merits of the action, the Court requests counsel to address at the hearing whether it would be appropriate to appoint a receiver to sell the car and take possession of t...
2021.04.01 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 713
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.04.01
Excerpt: ...tion, have given rise to a cause of action against that employee or his personal representative. Here, Plaintiff alleges that Newman was acting outside the course and scope of his employment which exempts him from the requirement of complying with the Government Claims Act. As to the argument that the allegation Newman was acting outside the course and scope of his employment was a conclusion of law unsupported by factual allegations, the demurre...
2021.03.30 Demurrer 436
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.30
Excerpt: ...1.) The doctrine "precludes recovery for 'purely economic loss due to disappointed expectations,' unless the plaintiff 'can demonstrate harm above and beyond a broken contractual promise. (Martinez v. Welk Group, Inc. (S.D.Cal. 2012) 907 F.Supp.2d 1123, 1134.) Here, the duty that gives rise to tort liability is dependent on the contract. The Lease states at Clause 11, “pursuant to the Lease, Tenants will keep the premises clean, sanitary, and i...
2021.03.29 Motion to Compel Further Responses 017
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.29
Excerpt: ...e attorney. (Id at pp 178‐179) Therefore the work product privilege does not apply. The motion to compel is also granted as to form interrogatory 13.2. Interrogatory 13.2 merely asks for information re: whether a report was made and if so by whom, therefore disclosure is not protected by the attorney client or work product privileges. (Fellows v. Superior Court (1980) 108 Cal.App.3d 55, 68‐ 69.) Plaintiff is awarded sanctions against Defendan...
2021.03.25 Motion to Strike 267
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.25
Excerpt: ... by the court, no demurrer having been sustained or being then pending. (CCP 586(a)(3). (6 Witkin CA Procedure (5th Ed.2008) PWT §§143,147) However, CCP § 587 requires that an application by a plaintiff for entry of default under subdivision (a), (b), or (c) of Section 585 or Section 586 shall include an affidavit stating that a copy of the application has been mailed to the defendant's attorney of record or, if none, to the defendant at his o...
2021.03.23 Demurrer 356
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.23
Excerpt: ...between courts if they were free to make contradictory decisions or awards relating to the same controversy and preventing vexatious litigation and multiplicity of suits. The rule is established and enforced not "so much to protect the rights of parties as to protect the rights of Courts of coordinate jurisdiction to avoid conflict of jurisdiction, confusion and delay in the administration of justice." (Plant Insulation Co. v. Fibreboard Corp. (1...
2021.03.19 Demurrer 436
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.19
Excerpt: ...3, *31.) The doctrine "precludes recovery for 'purely economic loss due to disappointed expectations,' unless the plaintiff 'can demonstrate harm above and beyond a broken contractual promise. (Martinez v. Welk Group, Inc. (S.D.Cal. 2012) 907 F.Supp.2d 1123, 1134.) Here, the duty that gives rise to tort liability is dependent on the contract. The Lease states at Clause 11, “pursuant to the Lease, Tenants will keep the premises clean, sanitary, ...
2021.03.18 Motion for Attorney Fees 190
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.18
Excerpt: ...An award of attorney's fees is a collateral matter which is embraced in the action but is not affected by the order from which an appeal is taken. CCP §916. In re Marriage of Sherman (1984) 162 Cal.App.3d 1132, 1140. Consequently, filing of a notice of appeal does not stay any proceedings to determine the matter of costs and does not prevent the trial court from determining a proper award of attorney fees claimed as costs. Attorney fees are perm...
2021.03.17 Motion for Change of Venue, Demurrer, Motion to Strike 735
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.17
Excerpt: ...e based on CCP § 394(a) is inapplicable. In addition, AMH has failed to show actual prejudice to the moving party or that a change of venue would promote justice or convenience of witnesses, therefore the motion is denied based on CCP § 397. Lastly, AMH has failed to show circumstances of the likelihood, or the appearance of bias and the motion is denied on this ground. Sanctions Sanctions are not awarded. Each side will reserve the right to cl...
2021.03.16 Motion for Attorney's Fees 360
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.16
Excerpt: ...pecified in the contract or not, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees in addition to other costs. Article 28 of the Lease provides that if either party undertakes litigation against the other in connection with the lease, the prevailing party as determined by Civil C. § 1717(b)(1) is entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In view of the Court's ruling that Plaintiff shall take nothing by its complaint and judgment shall iss...
2021.03.12 Petition Re Contempt 621
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.12
Excerpt: ... in which he said he moved out of 211 Blackburn no later than 3/15/20 (Tim Kephart Dec. filed 2/24/21 ¶2) and his Cross‐complaint in which he said that he moved out of 211 Blackburn Street on or about June 2020, (Cross‐complaint filed 10/19/20 attached as Ex. 1 to Hamerslough Dec. filed 3/5/21 at ¶ 22), Tim Kephart will be ordered to pay Petitioner $3,000.00 rent for March ‐June 2020 or 4 x $3,000.00 = $12,000.00 within 30 days of the dat...
2021.03.10 Motion to Set Aside or Stay Order 032
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.10
Excerpt: ...s filed that Margot Schwartz claimed that she and her brother were Directors of the Foundation. (See Ex. D to Margot Schwartz Declaration, the Corporation Statement of Information filed with the CA Secretary of State on 9/11/20 designating Margot and Noah Schwartz as officers and Erik Dryburgh as agent for service of process; email from Donald dated 10/22/20 asking Margot, “Do you have an attorney on the Schwartz Foundation”, Ex. H to Margot ...
2021.03.09 Motion for Preliminary Injunction 250
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.09
Excerpt: ...rit and interim‐harm factors is tipped in favor of Defendants, who will suffer prejudice if an improper injunction is issued. Authority for issuance of the requested injunction CCP §526(a)(2) and (4) authorizes the issuance of an injunction where the moving party has an inadequate remedy at law or will suffer irreparable harm These two criteria are often related and may be present, despite the availability of monetary damages, where a defendan...
2021.03.04 Motion for Preliminary Injunction 339
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.04
Excerpt: ...alistic prospect that the party enjoined intends to engage in the prohibited activity.” (Epstein v Sup. Ct. (2011)193 CA4th 1405, 1411) Based on the affidavits and the allegations in Plaintiffs' Complaint that “Through further communications between counsel, Defendants have modified their statement that they intend to block the Gravel Road as of 1/31/21, now claiming they will refrain from blocking the path temporarily, while Plaintiffs consi...
2021.03.03 Motion for Summary Adjudication 733
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.03
Excerpt: ...on‐Liability of Landlord: Tenant agrees to and shall defend and indemnify Landlord against all claims. liability loss and expense by reason of injury to person or property, or both. including without limitation. injury to the person or property of Tenant, its agents. officers, employees,. licensees or Invitees arising out of the condition of the Premises or any portion thereof over which Tenant has control and a duty to repair and maintain unde...
2021.03.03 Demurrer 234
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.03
Excerpt: ... within the redemption period. Additionally, the three year limitations period on Plaintiff's inverse condemnation claim began to run no later than October 6, 2017, when the sale occurred, and Plaintiff did not file his complaint until October 22, 2020. Plaintiff's claim for inverse condemnation is therefore time barred under CCP §338(j). The court is not persuaded by Plaintiff's assertion that the five year statute of limitations period for adv...
2021.03.02 Motion for Preliminary Injunction 084
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.03.02
Excerpt: ...VilaVet Labs (2016) (6 CA5th 1178, 1184). Based on the affidavits submitted, it appears that the status quo or the last actual peaceable, uncontested status which preceded the pending controversy was a gate to Plaintiffs' property unobstructed by mounds of dirt or mailboxes. Moreover, there is a reasonable probability that Plaintiffs will prevail on the merits at trial and that Plaintiffs would suffer greater injury if the injunction were not gra...
2021.02.26 Petition for Writ of Mandate 199
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.02.26
Excerpt: ...ohol, refused to take both a breath and a warrantless blood test. The court noted that the question of whether a motorist can be subjected to a license suspension for the failure to submit to a warrantless blood test is an open question, and therefore chose to “err on the side of caution” in affirming Espinoza's license suspension based only on her failure to take a breath test. Petitioner contends that this suggests that a license suspension...
2021.02.11 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 692
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.02.11
Excerpt: ...speculate as to which causes of action the issues Defendants seek to have adjudicated relate, and as to which causes of action their UMFs are directed. Defendants have failed to meet their threshold burden of proof on their claim that Plaintiff does not have an easement under any theory Defendants have failed to meet their threshold burden of proof on their claim that Plaintiff does not have an express easement for access to its facility from the...
2021.02.09 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 404
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.02.09
Excerpt: ..., breach of fiduciary duty and a cause of action entitled “dual representation”. Since the complaint still includes these causes of action summary judgment is not available to Plaintiff. Regardless, Plaintiff has either failed to meet his threshold burden of proof or triable issues of material fact exist as to several elements of his cause of action for fraudulent concealment: On the element of concealment of a “material” fact: Plaintiff ...
2021.02.09 Demurrer 956
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: All Departments
Hearing Date: 2021.02.09
Excerpt: ...versity's sanctioning options range from dismissal to loss of privileges to restitution and probation. (Ex. G to Eklof Dec, pg.19 of 22) The primary remedy Plaintiff seeks through this action is damages, but there is no effective administrative remedy available to Plaintiff. Therefore, the demurrer is overruled on this ground. The demurrer to the First Cause of Action for violation of the Unruh Act (CA Civil Code § 51) is sustained without leave...
2021.02.08 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 565
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Connolly, Rebecca Dept 4
Hearing Date: 2021.02.08
Excerpt: ... 2020; and (2) Labor Code §2780 now provides exceptions to the “ABC” test set forth in Dynamex Operations W., Inc. v Superior Court (2018) 4 Cal. 5th 903, for determining whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor.; and the exception set forth in §2780 (I) for “independent radio promoters” applies to Plaintiff. The Second Amended Complaint alleges that Plaintiff stopped working at KCSO in May 2020, four months before L...
2021.02.08 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 041
Location: Santa Cruz
Judge: Connolly, Rebecca Dept 4
Hearing Date: 2021.02.08
Excerpt: is voidable because of irregularities in the sale notice or procedure, the borrower must offer to pay the full amount of the debt for which the property was security. The borrower must pay, or offer to pay, the secured debt, or at least all of the delinquencies and costs due for redemption, before commencing the action. “The rationale behind the rule is that if [the borrower] could not have redeemed the property had the sale procedures bee...

943 Results

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