- Los Angeles
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- Judges
- Alarcon, Gregory (277)
- Amerian, Michael R. (74)
- Arian, Lee S (99)
- Bachner, Monica (631)
- Beaudet, Teresa A (1348)
- Beckloff, Mitchell (356)
- Bensinger, Kerry (785)
- Bernal, Margaret Miller (77)
- Bird, George F (45)
- Blancarte, James E (429)
- Bowick, Stephanie M (126)
- Boyer, Kelly D (0)
- Bradley, Elizabeth L (25)
- Brazile, Kevin (1118)
- Broadbelt, Robert (465)
- Bruguera, Paul (21)
- Buckley, Daniel J (8)
- Burdge, Richard J (1113)
- Byrdsong, Latrice (24)
- Byrdsong, Rupert A (4)
- Camacho, Mike (3)
- Chalfant, James C (1187)
- Chang, Wendy (314)
- Chilton, Katherine (957)
- Cho, Lawrence H (60)
- Chowdhury, Ashfaq (256)
- Christian, Deborah, Sepe-Wiesenfeld, Lisa (181)
- Cole-Hall, Debra (2)
- Cole, Lisa Hart (133)
- Cooper, Andrew E (280)
- Cotton, Huey P (3)
- Court, Michelle Williams (679)
- Cowan, David J (330)
- Crowfoot, William A. (1002)
- Crowley, Daniel M. (1645)
- Cunningham, David S (262)
- Dillon, Timothy P (108)
- Doyle, John P (580)
- Draper, Robert (832)
- Dukes, Robert A (228)
- Ellis, Steven A (897)
- Epstein, Mark H (139)
- Escalante, Kristin S (437)
- Falls, Thomas (331)
- Feeney, Jill (1020)
- Feffer, Elizabeth R (151)
- Feuer, Gail (36)
- Ford, H Jay (524)
- Fournier, Lori Ann (437)
- Frank, Ronald (688)
- Freeman, Kenneth R (41)
- Fruin, Richard L (1)
- Fujie, Holly J (2180)
- Fuller, Kenneth M. (0)
- Fusselman, Ian (147)
- Gasdia, Brian F (3)
- Gelfound, David B. (92)
- Goldstein, Donna Fields (58)
- Goorvitch, Stephen I (1350)
- Gridiron Winston, Lynette (360)
- Gross, Marc D (600)
- Gullon, Christian R (341)
- Halm, Howard L (221)
- Hammock, Randolph M (1442)
- Hammond, Brock T (164)
- Harmon, Eric (206)
- Heeseman, Nicole (89)
- Heidel, Sarah J (50)
- Hernandez, Peter A (1087)
- Highberger, William (13)
- Hill, Deirdre (833)
- Hobbs, Lynn (280)
- Hofer, Ralph C (1539)
- Hogue, Amy D (6)
- Honeycutt, Alan B (83)
- Horn, Chester (28)
- Hsu, Wesley (115)
- Hwang, Anne (452)
- Iwasaki, Bruce G (590)
- Jaskol, Lisa R (432)
- Jessner, Samantha (134)
- Johnson, Michael M (49)
- Jones, Ann I (21)
- Kalra, Upinder S (704)
- Karlan, Craig (17)
- Karlan, Craig D (32)
- Keeny, Virginia (1071)
- Kelley, Michael (19)
- Keosian, Gregory (1282)
- Killefer, Gail (381)
- Kim, Mark C (1271)
- Kim, Michelle (889)
- Kin, Curtis (582)
- Kitchens, Dean J (33)
- Kleifield, Steven J (24)
- Klein, Ross (27)
- Kralik, John (1344)
- Kuhl, Carolyn B (14)
- LaForteza, Bernie C (164)
- Landin, Dennis J (747)
- Lee, Charles (30)
- Leis, Colin P (498)
- Leiter, Maurice A (1330)
- Lewis, Jacqueline (0)
- Lewis, Thomas T (3)
- Linfield, Michael P (2034)
- Lipner, Joseph (433)
- Lofton, Joel (502)
- Long, Thomas D (1364)
- Lu, Elaine (1315)
- Lui, Christopher K (917)
- Lyons, Dalila C (133)
- Mackenzie, Allison (266)
- Mackey, Malcolm (529)
- Mandel, Elaine W (817)
- Marmaro, Marc (53)
- Matz, Laura A (75)
- Meyers, Patrick (5)
- Micon, Gary I (230)
- Miller, Rita (4)
- Mkrtchyan, Karine (17)
- Mohr, Anthony (2)
- Moloney, Stephen M (2)
- Mooney, Mark V (0)
- Moreton, Edward B (1018)
- Morgan, Stephen (508)
- Mori, Audra (768)
- Moses, Jared D (234)
- Moskowitz, Karen (126)
- Murillo, Serena R (899)
- Murillo, Tiana (52)
- Murphy, Daniel S (1782)
- Murphy, Mary Ann (1)
- Nellon, Cherol J (91)
- Nelson, Maren (1)
- Newman, Nancy L (4)
- Nieto, Patricia D (902)
- Nishimoto, Cary (35)
- Oki, Dan Thomas (277)
- Oldendorf, Margaret (143)
- Ongkeko, Rafael A (322)
- Orozco, Yolanda (1829)
- Osorio, Benny C (306)
- Palazuelos, Yvette M (1)
- Panuco, Cindy (16)
- Pfahler, Stephen P (1113)
- Phillips, Bradley S (12)
- Porras, Joseph (5)
- Ramirez, Daniel P (10)
- Raphael, Michael J (245)
- Recana, Mel Red (86)
- Reinert, David K (169)
- Rhodes, Randy (121)
- Rice, Stuart (282)
- Richardson, Anne (611)
- Richardson, Tony L (97)
- Riff, Lawrence (93)
- Rizk, Georgina (392)
- Roberts, Gary D (3)
- Rogers, Randolph (151)
- Rosales, Olivia (537)
- Rosen, David A. (302)
- Rosenberg, Gerald (107)
- Sahagun, Raul (153)
- Salkin, Valerie (1)
- Sanchez-Gordon, Teresa (39)
- Sandvig, Melvin (992)
- Scheper, Barbara M (648)
- Seigle, Laura A (1529)
- Sepe-Wiesenfeld, Lisa (334)
- Shaller, Frederick C (127)
- Shultz, Michael (314)
- Sirna, Salvatore (573)
- Small, Michael (52)
- Sotelo, David (515)
- Stern, Douglas (543)
- Stewart, William (846)
- Strobel, Mary H (291)
- Takasugi, Jon R (2406)
- Tamzarian, Armen (1013)
- Tanaka, Gary Y (861)
- Tavelman, F.M. (592)
- Taylor, Eric C (3)
- Torribio, John A (13)
- Traber, Theresa M (1624)
- Treu, Rolf (566)
- Tsao, Lee W (790)
- Wasserman, Fumiko (7)
- Watkins, Shirley K (610)
- Weinbach, Elia (2)
- Weintraub, Debre Katz (35)
- Westfahl Kong, Allison (134)
- Whitaker, Michael E (1405)
- White-Brown, Gloria (629)
- White, Elizabeth Allen (325)
- Willett, William G (1)
- Wilson, Michael B (8)
- Windham, Mark E (802)
- Young, Mark A (1335)
- Zukin, Helen (283)
86946 Results
2025.02.18 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 457
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Heeseman, Nicole
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Heeseman, Nicole
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...ntiff filed a first amended complaint (“FAC”). The FAC alleges that on or about March 10, 2019, Plaintiff entered a warranty contract with Defendant for a 2019 Chevrolet Camaro, vehicle identification number 1G1FB1RS4K0118692 (“Subject Vehicle”) and that defects and/or nonconformities to the warranty manifested themselves in the vehicle, but Defendant failed to fix them. (FAC ¶¶ 6, 11 -14.) On October 1, 2024, Defendant took its demurre...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Further Responses 715
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Heeseman, Nicole
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Heeseman, Nicole
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...24, Plaintiff filed a first amended complaint (“FAC”). The FAC alleges that on or about April 1, 2018, Plaintiff entered a warranty contract with Defendant for a 2018 Honda Pilot vehicle identification number 5FNYF5H14JB008679 (“Subject Vehicle”) and that defects and/or nonconformities to the warranty manifested themselves in the vehicle, but Defendant failed to fix them. (FAC ¶¶ 6, 12 -16.) On November 21, 2024, Defendant took its demu...
2025.02.18 Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint 604
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Reinert, David K
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Reinert, David K
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...ch of Contract and (2) Common Counts. On June 6, 2021, Plaintiffs filed a first amended complaint (“FAC”) against Defendant and Does 1 - 10 alleging causes of action for (1) Breach of Contract; (2) Open Book Account; and (3) Quantum Meruit. On January 23, 2023, Plaintiffs filed a second amended complaint (“SAC”) against the same Defendants alleging the same three causes of action. On August 2, 2024, Plaintiffs filed a third amended compla...
2025.02.18 Motion for Leave to File FAC 240
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Moses, Jared D
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Moses, Jared D
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...efendants' alleged misrepresentations and misconduct related to the operation of Gold Wing Building Supply Inc. and other entities. On January 27, 2025, Plaintiffs filed the instant motion for leave to amend the First Amended Complaint (FAC). The motion is unopposed. II. LEGAL STANDARD Code of Civil Procedure section 473, subdivision (a) provides: “The court may, in furtherance of justice, and on any terms as may be proper, allow a party to ame...
2025.02.18 Motion for Leave to File SACC 964
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Moreton, Edward B
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Moreton, Edward B
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...ately 18,000 square foot home in Pacific Palisades, California, located at 15954 Alcima Avenue (the “Property”). Defendant 15951 Alcima LLC (“Alcima”) is the owner of the Property. Defendant Suarez Build Construction Inc. (“Suarez”) served as a general contractor to Alcima. Suarez requested construction services from KE General Building Inc. (“KE”). Alcima allegedly agreed to the requests for construction services by accepting and...
2025.02.18 Motion for Order of Sale 069
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...int on 12/12/22. The case proceeded to bench trial on 12/05/22. Plaintiff was unable to proceed with trial, and Defendants made a motion for judgment, which the Court granted. On 12/12/22, the Court entered judgment in favor of Defendants. On 08/01/23, the Court granted Defendants' motion for attorney fees. On 08/21/23, the Court entered amended judgment in favor of Defendants in the amount of $58,893.82. 2. Motion for Order of Sale a. Parties' P...
2025.02.18 Motion for Summary Judgment 141
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Killefer, Gail
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Killefer, Gail
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...Y: 31 January 2025 TENTATIVE: Cross -Defendant Yemini's motion for summary judgment is granted. Cross - Defendant Rapid Medical's motion for summary judgment is denied. Background On November 22, 2021, Wilshire West Tower One, LLC; Wilshire West Tower Two, LLC; Wilshire West Tower Three, LLC; and Wilshire West Tower Four, LLC (collectively “Plaintiffs”) filed a claim for breach of written lease against ANR Development Company, LLC (“Defenda...
2025.02.18 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 328
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ..., 2023, is his operative complaint. 2. Motion for Summary Judgment/Adjudication a. Burdens on Summary Judgment Summary judgment is proper “if all the papers submitted show that there is no triable issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” (Code Civ. Proc. §437c(c).) Where a defendant seeks summary judgment or adjudication, he must show that either “one or more elements of the cause...
2025.02.18 Motion in Limine 463
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Cowan, David J
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Cowan, David J
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...C, dba Golden State Cider, and related cross -complaint, Case No. 19STCV30463 Hearing and Trial Date: February 18, 2025, 8:30 a.m. WW MOTION FOR MONETARY AND ISSUE SANCTIONS WW seeks monetary sanctions of $12,417.50 against GSC, as well as evidentiary and or issue sanctions against GSC precluding GSC's expert, Todd Antonelli, from testifying as to GSC's lost enterprise value, as well as pertaining to damages for defamation or interference with co...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Arbitration 833
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Lu, Elaine
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Lu, Elaine
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...presentative action. Plaintiff Ana Ortiz - Gomez (“Plaintiff”) alleges that she and the putative class members are and were employed by Defendants Beyond Resource Solutions, Inc. (“BRS”), Caplugs, Inc., and George Portillo (collectively “Defendants”) and that Defendant violated the Labor Code, Industrial Welfare Commission wage orders, and the Business and Professions Code. On December 29, 2023, Plaintiff filed the instant class actio...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Deposition of PMK 796
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Moses, Jared D
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Moses, Jared D
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...93.2 of the Act. The claims concern a 2018 Honda Accord that Plaintiff purchased in October 2018, alleging the vehicle had serious defects upon delivery, which worsened over time. Despite multiple repair attempts, Defendant allegedly failed to conform the vehicle to its warranty obligations. On January 10, 2025, Plaintiff filed the instant motion to compel the deposition of Defendant's Person Most Knowledgeable (PMK) and the production of documen...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Further Responses 301
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Sandvig, Melvin
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Sandvig, Melvin
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...E: ok RELIEF REQUESTED : An order compelling Defendants to provide further responses to Plaintiff's Request for Production of Documents, Set 1, numbers, 5, 7, 10 -16, 23 -26, 28 -34, 36 -38, 40 -44 and 49 -59, along with original verifications. Additionally, Plaintiff requests sanctions against Defendants and/or their attorney of record, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, in the amount of $3,247.50. RULING : The motion is granted, in part, and ...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Further Responses 749
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...�Heimler Decl.”), ¶¶ 4 -5; Exs. “A” and “B.”) On November 22, 2024, Defendant sent Plaintiff a meet and confer letter addressing the perceived deficiencies in Plaintiff's responses to SROGs numbers 40, 41 and 44. (Id. at ¶ 6; Ex. “C.”) The letter ended by requesting Plaintiff to serve amended responses to these interrogatories by December 13, 2024 or a motion to compel would be filed. (Id. ) Defendant received no responses to its...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Mental Exam 508
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Kim, Mark C
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ... Patients' Bill of Rights. Plaintiff alleges that she was admitted to Harborview for treatment of her mental illness and grave disability, and that upon admission, Plaintiff, as a result of her lower functioning, was taken advantage of and sexually harassed and sexually assaulted/raped by 5+ higher -functioning male residents -patients. 2. Motion to Compel Mental Examination a. Legal Standard “In any case in which a plaintiff is seeking recover...
2025.02.18 Motion to Compel Nonparty, for Protective Order, for Relief Under Code of Civil Procedure Section 473
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Ellis, Steven A
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Ellis, Steven A
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...y service of a notice to attend the deposition of Ms. Mendez in person is granted. The motion for a protective order is denied without prejudice. Background This case arises out of a tragic accident at a Los Angeles high school on September 13, 2022. According to the allegations, Plaintiff H.W. and another student, her friend, overdosed. H.W.'s friend died, and H.W. suffered injuries. On October 13, 2023, H.W., by and through her Guardian Ad Lite...
2025.02.18 Motion to Continue Trial 131
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Ellis, Steven A
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Ellis, Steven A
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...oss of consortium arising out of an incident on June 19, 2020, in which, Plaintiffs allege, Plaintiff Marcelo Samson was injured when he was struck by an object or a golf club swung by another person. On January 24, 2022, Indigo Sports Management, LLC (formerly Antares Golf Management, Inc. erroneously sued as Billy Casper Golf Management, Inc. and Antares Golf Management, LLC) (“Indigo”) filed an answer. Plaintiffs filed a First Amended Comp...
2025.02.18 Motion to Establish Admissions, for Monetary Sanctions 186
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Watkins, Shirley K
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Watkins, Shirley K
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ... counsel or plaintiff explaining why the discovery responses were not served. Motion for Order establishing admissions and request for monetary sanctions : Grant. The following Requests for Admission are deemed admitted: REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 1: Admit that Defendant should not be found liable to YOU (the terms “YOU,” “YOUR,” “YOURS” and “PLAINTIFF” shall mean and refer to Plaintiff Barbara Samantha Gonzalez, and each of her ag...
2025.02.18 Motion to Quash Service of Summons 370
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Sandvig, Melvin
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Sandvig, Melvin
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...L HISTORY On 2/6/24, Plaintiff Francisco Velasquez, individually, and on behalf of other aggrieved employees pursuant to the California Private Attorney General Act (Plaintiff) filed this Private Attorney General Action (PAGA) action against Defendant Hasa, Inc. (Defendant) alleging a cause of action for Violation of California Labor Code 2698, et seq. On 2/27/25, Plaintiff filed a proof of service indicating th at Defendant's registered agent fo...
2025.02.18 Motion to Strike 448
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Murillo, Tiana
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Murillo, Tiana
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ..., LP, Roxburry Properties, Inc., and Does 1 to 100 arising from a slip and fall on a stairway on December 4, 2022. The Complaint sets forth two causes of action for general negligence and premises liability. On January 2, 2025, defendants Jose Fuentes, South Harvard Property, LP, Roxbury Properties, Inc. and William A. Shaw (sued as Doe 1) (collectively “Defendants”) moves to strike the claim for punitive damages, including the following lang...
2025.02.18 Motion to Transfer Venue 008
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Lu, Elaine
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Lu, Elaine
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...d the putative class members are and were employed by Defendants CalSolar LLC and California Solar Innovators Inc. (jointly “Defendants”). Plaintiff alleges that Defendants violated various sections of the Labor Code, Industrial Welfare Commission wage orders, and the Business and Professions Code. On June 14, 2024, Plaintiff filed a class action and representative action. The Complaint asserts nine causes of action for (1) unpaid overtime, (...
2025.02.18 Motions to Deem RFAs Admitted 374
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Lofton, Joel
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Lofton, Joel
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ...de Gardens, LLC (“Defendant”) filed two motions to deem admitted the truth of matters specified in two sets of Requests for Admission, one served on plaintiff Stephany Garcia, the ot her on plaintiff Victor Canales. Plaintiffs filed no opposition, and Defendant no reply. Tentative Ruling The motions are granted. Plaintiffs are each ordered to pay $735.00 in sanctions to Defendant and/or its counsel of record within thirty (30) days of this or...
2025.02.18 Petition to Enforce Discovery 778
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Crowfoot, William A.
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Crowfoot, William A.
Hearing Date: 2025.02.18
Excerpt: ... from respondent State Farm Insurance Company (“Respondent”). The discovery requests at issue are Form Interrogatory Nos. 16.3, 16.4, and 16.5. These interrogatories ask Respondent to describe their contentions in response to Plaintiff's claims “as disclosed in discovery proceedings thus far,” i.e., whether the injuries were caused by the underlying incident or if the costs of medical services were reasonable. Petitioner takes issue with ...
Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 038
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Tanaka, Gary Y
Hearing Date: Motion
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Tanaka, Gary Y
Hearing Date: Motion
Excerpt: ...mplaint alleges the following causes of action: 1. Breach of Contract; 2. Failure to Pay Wages (Lab. Code, §§ 202, 203, 558); 3. Failure to Pay all Wages at Time of Termination of Employment (Lab. Code, §§ 201, 202, 203, 227.3, 558); and 4. Unfair Competition (Bus. And Prof. Code, § 17200, et seq.) Defendant now moves for summary judgment, or, in the alternative, summary adjudication. An opposition and reply have been filed and considered. I...
Demurrer, Motion to Strike 674
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Doyle, John P
Hearing Date: Demurrer,
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Doyle, John P
Hearing Date: Demurrer,
Excerpt: ...Defendants violated HBOR by failing to contact Plaintiffs thirty days or more before recording a notice of default in order to discuss Plaintiffs' financial situation and explore ways to avoid foreclosure. On November 8, 2018, Plaintiffs filed he operative First Amended Complaint (“FAC”) alleging causes of action for (1) violation of Civ. Code § 2923.5, (2) accounting, (3) negligence, and (4) violations of the UCL. Demurrer Defendants demur ...
Motion to Compel Responses, for Sanctions 549
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Gelfound, David B.
Hearing Date: Motion
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Gelfound, David B.
Hearing Date: Motion
Excerpt: ...ICE: OK. RELIEF REQUESTED: An order from this Court compelling Defendant to serve verified responses, without objection, to Special Interrogatories, Set One, and imposing monetary sanctions against Defendant and his attorney of record, in the amount of $2,436.65. TENTATIVE RULING: The motion is DENIED as moot. The request for monetary sanctions is GRANTED IN PART. BACKGROUND This action arises from alleged injuries that Plaintiffs sustained in a ...